Dr Ryan Law Publications
Law, R. A, Young, F. J., Patterson, D. C., Kilpatrick, D. J., Wylie, A. R. G., and Mayne, C. S. (2009) Effect of dietary protein content on animal production and blood metabolites of dairy cows during lactation. Journal of Dairy Science, 92:1001-1012.
Law, R. A., Young, F. J., Patterson, D. C., Kilpatrick, D. J., Wylie, A. R. G., and Mayne, C. S. (2009) Effect of dietary protein content on estrous behavior of dairy cows during early and mid-lactation.Journal of Dairy Science, 92: 1013-1022.
Law, R. A., Young, F. J., Patterson, D. C., Kilpatrick, D. J., Wylie, A. R. G., and Mayne, C. S. (2009) Effect of dietary protein content on the fertility of dairy cows during early and mid lactation.Journal of Dairy Science, 92: 2737-2746.
Law, R. A., Young, F. J., Patterson, D. C., Kilpatrick, D. J., Wylie, A. R. G., M. A. McCoy, and Mayne, C. S. (2010) Effect of pre- and post calving dietary energy content on animal production and blood metabolites of dairy cows during lactation. Journal of Dairy Science, 94(2):808-823.
Gilmore, H., Young, F.J., Patterson, D.C., Wylie, A., Law, R.A., Elliot, C. and Mayne, C.S. (2010) An evaluation of the effect of altering nutrition and nutritional strategies in early lactation on reproductive performance and estrous behavior of high yielding Holstein-Friesian dairy cows. Journal of Dairy Science, 94: 3510-3526.
Palmer, M., Law, R.A., and O’Connell, N.E. (2012) Relationships between lameness and feeding behaviour in cubicle-housed Holstein-Friesian dairy cows. Applied Animal Behaviour Science (In Press).
Papers awaiting submission
Law, R. A., S. McGettrick and C. P. Ferris (2012) Effect of post-calving nutrition on lactational performance, uterine health, and subsequent reproductive performance post partum. Journal of Dairy Science
Law, R. A., Young, F. J., Patterson, D. C., Kilpatrick, and Mayne, C. S. (2011) Effect of pre- and post-calving dietary energy content on behavioral activities of dairy cows in early and mid lactation. Journal of Dairy Science
Law, R. A., Young, F. J., Patterson, D. C., Kilpatrick, Wylie, A. R. G. and Mayne, C. S. (2011) Effect of pre- and post-calving dietary energy content on the fertility of dairy cows in early and mid lactation. Journal of Dairy Science, XXXX
Young, F. J., C. S. Mayne, R. A. Law, D.C. Patterson, A.W. Gordon, H. Hartley and A. R. G. Wylie (2011) The effect of nutritional strategy and individual animal management on the performance and fertility of Holstein Friesian dairy cows in early lactation. Journal of Dairy Science,
Gilmore, H. S., Law, R. A, Wylie, A. R. G., and Elliott, C. R. (2011) An evaluation of the effect of nutritional strategy in early lactation on the reproductive performance and estrus behavior of high yielding Holstein-Friesian dairy cows. Journal of Dairy Science,
Peer reviewed abstracts
Law, R. A, Young, F. J., Patterson, D. C. and Mayne, C. S. (2006) Effect of body condition score at calving and diet energy content post calving on behavioural activities of dairy cows during early and mid-lactation. In: Proceedings of the British Society of Animal Science, page 80.
Law, R. A, Young, F. J., Patterson, D. C. and Mayne, C. S. (2007) Effect of body condition score at calving and diet energy content post calving on fertility of dairy cows during early and mid-lactation. In: Proceedings of the British Society of Animal Science, page 55.
Law, R. A, Young, F. J., Patterson, D. C. and Mayne, C. S. (2007) The effect of dietary protein content on the expression and detection of oestrus in high yielding dairy cows. In: Proceedings of Fertility in Dairy Cows – bridging the gaps, EAAP satellite meeting, BSAS, page 11.
Mayne, C. S., Young, F. J., Ferris, C. P. and Law, R. A. (2008) Formulating diets to reduce environmental impact. Kemin Seminar, Mastering the amino acid balance, Kemin UK.
Young, F. J., Law, R. A., Gilmore, H. S., Mayne, C. S. and Yan, T. (2009) Optimising efficiency of Nitrogen use in dairy cows. Abstract at 2nd British Dairy Symposium, Kemin UK.
Law, R. A, Young, F. J., Patterson, D. C., Kilpatrick, D. J., Wylie, A. R. G., and Mayne, C. S. (2009) Effect of dietary energy content pre- and post-calving on production and blood metabolites of dairy cows during early lactation. In: Proceedings of the British Society of Animal Science, page 11.
Gilmore, H. S., Young, F. J., Law, R. A, Patterson, D. C., Wylie, A. R. G., and Mayne, C. S. (2009) An evaluation of the effect of nutritional strategy in early lactation on reproductive performance of Holstein-Friesian dairy cows. In: Proceedings of the British Society of Animal Science, page 12
Young, F. J., Law, R. A., Gilmore, H. S., Patterson, D. C., Wylie, A. R. G., and Mayne, C. S. (2009) An evaluation of the effect of nutritional strategy in early lactation on performance and energy status of Holstein Friesian dairy cows. In: Proceedings of the British Society of Animal Science, page 79.
Williams E. J., Gilmore H. S., Carter F., Crowe M. A., Evans A. C., Lonergan P., Diskin M. G., and Law R. A. (2009) Live weight at calving and postpartum body condition loss as predictors of uterine infection in dairy cows. 13th Conference of the European Society of Domestic Animal Production (ESDAR), Ghent, Belgium, Page 198.
Law, R. A. and Ferris, C. P. (2010) The efficiency of nitrogen utilization by grass from urine and faeces. In: Proceedings of the British Society of Animal Science, page 169.
Law, R. A, Williams, E. J., Gilmore, H. S., Carter, F., Young, F. J., Lonergan, P., Crowe, M. A., Diskin, M. G., Ferris, C. P., and Evans, A. (2010) The establishment and maintenance of pregnancy. In: Proceedings of the British Society of Animal Science, page 168.
Gilmore, H. S., Wylie, A. R. G., Elliott, C., and Law, R. A. (2010) Factors affecting ovulation potential in Holstein-Friesian dairy cows. In: Proceedings of the British Society of Animal Science, page 160.
Williams E. J., Law R. A., Gilmore H. S., Carter F., Young F.J., Ferris C.P., Mayne C.S., Diskin M. G., Cody S, Lonergan P., Roche, J.F. Crowe M. A., and Evans A. C. 2010. Uterine infection is associated with decreased mRNA for IGF-I in liver and increased negative energy balance in post partum cows. Reproduction in domestic ruminants VII: Society of Reproduction and Fertility, 67: 592-592.
Law, R. A. McGettrick, S. and Ferris, C. P. (2011) Effect of concentrate build-up strategy in early lactation on production performance, health and fertility of high yielding dairy cows. In: Proceedings of the British Society of Animal Science, page 5.
Law, R.A. and C.P. Ferris (2011) Performance of mid/late lactation dairy cows within a grazing system or a total confinement system. In: Proceedings of the British Grassland Society; Tenth Annual Conference, page 111.