
Public Speaking

Both informative and engaging, both Dr. Jonathan Birnie and Dr. Ryan Law are available to speak at your event, whether offline or online. With distinguished careers, our consultants are able to speak on a large variety of topics.

Project Management

Project Management is central to the experience of the team at Birnie Consultancy. The teams experience has included managing numerous multi-million pound R&D projects, Food and Drink Networks, Industry working groups to inform government policy. The team puts a strong emphasis on communication, building good relationships with stakeholders, and  being outcome focused.


Commerial Advice for Legislative Development

Development of legislation requires a large array of input from all across the affected sectors. At Birnie Consultancy, we can use our network of experts to advise Government Departments, giving independent advice on proposed changes to legislation.

Industry Liasion

Having worked across the entire food chain, Birnie Consultancy can connect stakeholders from all aspects of the food chain from research to farms, farms to retailers and processors to retailers. An understanding of the aims and needs of these stakeholders makes the team at Birnie Consultancy ideal for bringing together all stakeholders in the Agri-food sector.